Emma Maembong juga sempat mengambil peluang untuk membidas dalam satu kenyataan dipetik dari laman Instagramnya yang di poskan semula dari Caprice.
Repost from @capriceofficial I saw this trending and all the comments, blogs, and write ups that followed it and felt the need to share my thoughts.First of all, i believe the interview / challenge was done in poor taste. I challenge you to walk into any college now and question random boys and girls about GST whether they are crazy pretty or butt ugly. You will be surprise at how little we know about govt policies and terms.These girls are a part of a show and this interview clearly put them under pressure. how many of us crack under pressure? Its normal. She failed at answering the question but succeeded in maintaining her cool. Its just we are not in front of a camera to be judged. The way the interviewer asked the questions and having such a video publicized is an open invitation for cyber-bullying to take place. Just look at the comments. Do we ever consider the mental and emotional implications it can have on these girls who are just on the come up? Lastly i dont understand this arguement of beauty but no brains over GST.Maybe Mawar doesnt know jack about GST, but has more knowledge in Fashion than your average person?
Maybe she doesnt know much about our economy but she is more knowledgeable in how Social Media can generate income?
Maybe we should all look within ourselves and understand we all have our strengths and weaknesses. As oppose to picking on someones weakness, focus on their strengths.
This culture of picking on the weak and digging on the wound is what takes place in many schools. Iam sadden that Astro Gempak and Dewi Remaja has allowed this to go public as it only serves to repeat such a vicious cycle.You can argue about beauty and no brains. But im more alarmed at all the brains in Astro, and yet not one guy can look at the video and see that it serves no positive social benefit to these girls or society.Salam.#bullyingstopsnow
Nampaknya pedas juga apa yang dikatakan oleh Emma Maembong ni kan, yelah mana taknya. Isu GST ini sememangnya masih ramai lagi yang tak faham apa maksud GST yang sebenar kan. Namun penulis juga agak tertanya-tanya bagaimana GST ini harus dilaksanakan sedangkan ramai lagi yang masih keliru akan isu GST ini, dan menjadi persoalan apakan dengan adanya GST ini akan lebih menguntungkan rakyat ataupun sebaliknya. Tapi apa yang pasti kita semua sudah pun ketahui. faham-faham ajelah kan. Fuhhh Fanasss!!!!
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